Tag Archives: academic life

Coping Skills

Are you overwhelmed with your current academic load?  Professional students are not alone.  Professors are equally as overwhelmed.  The academic life is an unusual one, in that days pass by like dominoes falling down in a row.  As we go through the motions of being in labs, lectures, and clinics, our families carry on without us.  Long hours of studying keep us from attending many family functions.  The holiday season is one of the hardest times of the year for academicians.  Remain positive at all cost.  You cannot afford to allow negative thoughts into your mind.

Remember to take a few slow moments every day.  Whether it is a bubble bath or a favorite cup of tea, do something special for yourself every day.  Pet your dog or look at a recent set of photos.  Remember to send a special message to your sweetheart, especially if they are not in the medical world.  They are in disbelief about your schedule also.  The to-do list will always be there.  Get counseling if needed.  An unbiased set of ears can be helpful.  Do well with this information and get ready to discover more about our vital life fluid, our blood.

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